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Pureflex FBE For Rebar

Pureflex FBE For Rebar

IFS PureFlex Fusion Bonded Epoxy (FBE) is a flexible, corrosion resistant, quick-cure, single coat, thermosetting powder coating designed to offer the very best in protection to rebar or coated steel reinforcing bars.

PureFlex FBE is extremely reactive and cures quickly to form a uniform, consistent film that provides incredible levels of protection to rebar products and is economical and easy to apply for coaters.

As well as strict performance testing, IFS PureFlex FBE also benefits from detailed quality and production process control. Detailed lab and production testing is completed to reduce common rebar coating issues such as ‘holidays' or pin holing.

IFS PureFlex FBE Powder has been designed to offer the very best in strength, flexibility and supreme corrosion protection.

Advantages of Pureflex FBE Powder

IFS PureFlex FBE Powder provides:

  • Corrosion resistance
  • Flexibility
  • Adhesion
  • Excellent flow for film consistency
  • Chemical resistance
  • Durability
  • Fast curing for easy application

Testing Standards

Strict product testing is carried out to ensure the ultimate performance.

IFS PureFlex FBE is tested to strict ASTM and AASHTO standards. Carefully formulated to produce corrosion protective qualities, chemical and physical durability, and chloride permeability, IFS PureFlex powders meet the following industry standards: 

  • ASTM A775 (rebar specification)
  • ASTM A1078, type 1 (dowel bar specification)
  • AASHTO M284 (rebar)
  • AASHTO M254 (dowel bar)

IFS PureFlex FBE also has a wide range of DOT (Dept. Of Trade) approvals.

IFS Coatings is an active member of both CRSI (Concrete Reinforcing Steel Institute) and Epoxy Interest groups.

For more information on any IFS powder, please talk to your IFS representative.

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